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Family of Metje^3 Van Wicklen


Metje^3 Van Wicklen (Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. bet. 1712-1715, New Lots, Flatbush, NY

Married: Bergon Brokaw, abt. 1739

1. Evert^4 Brokaw, b. 22 November 1740, Raritan, NJ
2. Bragon^4 Brokaw, bap. 23 May 1744, Raritan, NJ
3. Metje^4 Brokaw, bap. 22 April 1746, Raritan, NJ
4. Simon^4 Brokaw, bap. 19 July 1748, Raritan, NJ
5. Femmetje^4 (Phebe) Brokaw, bap. 27 March 1751, Raritan, NJ
6. Jan^4 Brokaw, b. 27 April 1754, Raritan, NJ
7. Sarah^4 Brokaw, bap. 4 February 1756, Raritan, NJ

Metje's parents are Evert and Metje Simons (Van Arsdalen) Van Wicklen
Bergon's parents are Jan and Sarah (Middlesward) Bragaw

Background information:

Metje^3 Van Wicklen
(Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was born between 1712 and 1715 in New Lots, Flatbush, L.I., NY. She married Bergon Brokaw who was b. 1712 and bap. 6 August 1712 at the Raritan Dutch Church (NJ). Bergon made his will 4 July 1785 in Hillsboro Township, Somerset, County, NJ where it was proved 17 April 1799. He mentions children but not his wife. He died 1799 in Somerset County, NJ.

Children: Evert^4 Brokaw was b. 22 November 1740 and bap. Jan 1741 at the Raritan Dutch Church. He married Cornelia Stryker. Bragon^4 Brokaw was bap. 23 May 1744 and m. Lenah ____. Metje^4 Brokaw was b. 1746 and bap. 22 April 1746 at the Raritan Dutch Church. She married Guisbert (Gilbert) Bogart. Simon^4 Brokaw was b. 1748 in New Jersey and was bap. 19 July 1748 in the Raritan Dutch Church. Simon and Gerdina Van Wickelen (grandparents) were listed as sponsors. Simon m. Geertrude Hart and then married Mary Mocklaw. Femmetje^4 (Phebe) Brokaw was b. 1751 and bap. 27 March 1751 in the Raritan Dutch Church. She married Benjamin Waldron. Jan^4 Brokaw was b. 27 April 1754 and bap. 23 May 1754 in the Raritan Dutch Church. He married Arriant Je Van Nortwick. Sarah^4 Brokaw was b. late 1755/early 1756 and bap. 4 February 1756 in the Raritan Dutch Church.

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 3 (July 1997); p. 184.